Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture is an international profession championed by academically qualified professionals with wide ranging expertise. Coveys Landscape Architects are collaborative professionals, utilising all of our companies consulting experience on each project to achieve exceptional outcomes for the environment, our clients and our profession.

Landscape Architects create meaningful places to support healthy communities and a sustainable planet.

What We Do

Coveys Landscape Architects are involved in projects from the feasibility stages. We take a wide view, asking how can we do this the best we possibly can.

We provide quality landscape design and construction outcomes that improve developments for our clients, improving marketing and sales opportunities, increasing land value, improving sustainability, and delivering improved legacy.

We make global decisions locally, develop designs with value and deliver landscape designs that are tailored to meet our client’s budget and expectations.

We work closely with the Environmental & Water and Bushfire Management teams as well as the broader Covey design disciplines to deliver a complete solution.

Concept & Master Planning


Innovative blue sky thinking allows us to understand what could be achieved in any given development now and into the future.

We believe that when you get the structure right all other aspects will fall into place. Is the whole of the project greater than the sum of its parts?

We have experience producing Structure Plans, Master Plans and Framework Documents that inform and manage the implementation of Strategic Site Planning.

With a thorough understanding of vegetation communities and tree health we can identify opportunities and constraints that can be used to inform the development layout at the concept design phase.

Preparation of landscape master plans and concept plans suitable for reconfiguration and material change of use development applications.

Preparation of code responses and lodgement of development applications.

Sketch design of key elements including entry statements, precinct features and signage elements.

Schematic design and layout of circulation pathways, activity nodes, landscape features, buffers and wayfinding elements.

Provide a description of materials and finishes including planting palette and hardscape images.

Detailed Landscape Design & Documentation


We provide detailed landscape documentation suitable for operational works approvals and construction.

Our documentation is produced by experience Landscape Architects, using industry standard drafting conventions which are suitable to describe all landscape finishes and design elements.

We produce detailed landscape design documentation for a range of development types including commercial, residential, aged care, recreation, subdivision, local government and civic spaces.

We prepare standard and custom landscape details and specifications in line with client budgets and expectations.

We can provide detailed landscape estimates for all landscape designs.

Recreation & Playscapes


We provide landscape design solutions for a range recreational activities, including play, relaxation, social interaction, nature based education, sports and exercise. This may include formalised and nature based play activities, mountain bike trails, walking tracks, lookouts and contemplation spaces.

We aim to integrate uses such as retail with parkland spaces to help connect local residents and strengthen communities.

We prepare concept and detailed design documentation suitable for the construction of recreational areas and playscapes and can include standard or custom civic infrastructure such as shelters, furniture and artwork.

We provide inclusive recreational spaces in accordance with access and mobility standards and design with consideration of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.

We can provide detailed design and specifications for turf and open space areas including professional sporting fields and kick around spaces.

Fire Resilient Landscapes


We are involved early in projects and provide landscape led planning & design solutions for sites such as bushland and conservation reserves and recreational trails.

Informed by fire simulation modelling, we consider a sites opportunities and constraints and bring together the complex overlay of various stakeholders objectives to provide collaborative, innovative, climate positive and sustainable outcomes.

This framework also provides cultural, economic, environmental and social value, a quadruple bottom line win.

Subdivisions & Streetscapes


Preparation of concept graphic master plans for subdivisions and mixed use precincts.

Detailed design including street tree placement and surface finishes such as turf, planting, concrete thresholds, pavements and revegetation areas.

Design of landscape features including entry statements, fencing and signage elements.

Softscape design to detention and bio-retention devices including roadside swales and rain gardens.

Preparation of vegetation management plans, including identification of tree species and protection requirements as per Australian Standrads for the Protection of Trees on Development Sites.

Arboricultural reporting for subdivision developments.

Preliminary landscape assessments for site feasibility estimates. Includes identification of vegetation types, habitat trees and regional ecosystems which can advise vegetation clearing constraints and environmental offsets.

Preparation of softscape planting palettes

in accordance with government policies and legislation.

Preliminary and detailed landscape estimates.

Preparation of specifications suitable for compliance and construction.

Development assessment and operational works lodgements.

Contract Administration & Supervision


Tendering of landscape works to approved contractors.

Preparation of pre-tender estimates and BOQ’s.

Provide tender comparisons for client approvals.

Provide detailed specifications and landscape construction contracts.

Landscape contract administration including progress certifications and construction supervision.

Project management including liaising with Local Authorities over landscape works, site changes and approvals.

On/Off maintenance inspections with relevant authorities for landscape acceptance and handover.

Preparation and lodgement of landscape bonding schedules.

Landscape certification letters for compliance.

Natural Areas & Wetlands


We aim to integrate the existing natural features of a site with new built infrastructure to help soften structures and enhance natural habitat areas. We encourage the integration of people with place to enhance local knowledge and provide improved environmental stewardship.

Creation of new habitat areas though revegetation works including wetland planting in accordance with natural design principles.

Preparation of detailed rehabilitation plans which can provide new habitat areas through revegetation works or enhance existing areas through ecological restoration practices. This includes the rehabilitation of degraded landscapes, existing open forest communities, wetlands or riparian areas.

Identification of opportunities and constraints

in regards to existing vegetation types and environmental planning overlays.

Provide detailed designs and specifications of fauna infrastructure including fauna crossings and fencing.

Pest management plans.

Vegetation Management Plans


Preparation of vegetation management plans, including identification of tree species and protection requirements as per Australian Standrads for the Protection of Trees on Development Sites.

Arboricultural reporting for subdivision developments.

Our Team

Our Landscape Architects are registered with the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) and are on the Sunshine Coast AILA Committee.


Ryan Cairney

Senior Landscape Architect AILA

BDes (L’Arch) AssocDegAppSc Level 5 (Arb)

  • Bachelor of Design ‘Landscape Architecture’
  • Associate Degree
James Oliver

Senior Landscape Architect AILA

BBE (LandArch)

  • Bachelor of Built Environment
    ‘Landscape Architecture’

Case Studies

These are some of the Landscape Architecture projects we have been involved with:

Parklakes 2

Pelican Waters

SafeChase Greyhound Lure

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