Environmental Engineering
Water & Environment

Our level of expertise in the Water Resource and Environmental Services department affords us the capability to deliver ground-breaking and thought leading projects that sets us apart, making us leaders in this space. At Covey, we understand the importance of communication and innovation across our projects, allowing us to deliver value engineered outcomes. We are able to do this be utilising the inherent skills of our professional and highly experienced team to ensure the project brief is met.

Flood Analyses and Hydraulic Modelling


Flood impact analyses and hydraulic modelling are often critical components of a project. It is vitally important for project stakeholders to understand risks associated with flooding and we can model a range of projects to a high level of accuracy. This enables us to communicate such risks and develop effective mitigation and risk management strategies. We work across a range of industries, from urban development through to the mining sector.

Stormwater Management & WSUD


We aim to ensure our projects do not negatively impact the environment while also being efficiently designed. We utilise ‘Water Sensitive Urban Design’ (WSUD) which integrates the urban water cycle into the planning and engineering design of a project. This allows our clients to meet statutory requirements while also protecting receiving environments and delivering high value outcomes.

Nature Based Treatment System Design


Nature based solutions (NBS) aim to use systems in nature to sustainably address a range of social, economic, and environmental challenges. We have worked across the globe to plan, design, and help deliver NBS projects for both the government and private sectors, with projects in Hong Kong, Canada, and across Australia.

Waterbody Design and Management


Our team specialise in waterbody design and in developing management plans to ensure the waterbody maintains its health over the long-term. We have successfully designed and project managed the delivery of numerous water bodies across Australia. We use sophisticated modelling software to ensure our designs are robust and enduring.

Water Supply & Sewer Network Analysis


Ensuring a reliable water supply and efficient sewer network is crucial for any community, as these systems directly impact public health, environmental sustainability, and overall quality of life. Analysing these networks for a proposed development allows us to identify potential issues before they escalate, optimize system performance, and ensure compliance with local authority guidelines. Our team excels in providing comprehensive water supply and sewer network analysis, using advanced tools and methodologies to deliver accurate, actionable insights. We are committed to helping our clients maintain robust and resilient infrastructure, ensuring safe and reliable services for all.

Erosion and Sediment Control Advice


Covey Associates has four staff that are Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), with one Associate CPESC. We are highly experienced in developing Erosion and Sediment control strategies for a range of projects across multiple sectors. We provide timely, professional, and considered advice to make sure statutory requirements are met and the construction process is able to run efficiently.

Product Testing and Validation


Covey Associates is able to offer both lab and field testing across a range of product offerings, including testing proprietary stormwater treatment devices against the Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol (SQIDEP). Our experienced staff are able to develop monitoring programs and validation testing protocols to assess performance, but also provide Finite Element Analysis (FEA) modelling to assist with design optimisation. We can undertake prototype testing and have the skillset to help bring concept products to market.

Environmental Monitoring Programs


Our team is able to develop detailed water quality monitoring programs for a range of purposes. Whether it be developing an urban lake water quality monitoring program or assessing existing datasets to develop new monitoring programs or remediation strategies, we can assist.

Our Team

The Water and Environment Team comprises six highly skilled and experienced staff, with senior staff shown below.


Dr Chris Walker


BEnvSc, BSc (Hon), MEng (Civil), PhD, CPESC

Dr Christopher Walker is a Director of Covey and is the lead of the Environment, Water, and Bushfire disciplines. He has significant experience in the design and management of green infrastructure, working on a diverse range of projects both in Australia and overseas. Chris is a world-expert in the use of constructed floating wetlands (CFWs) for water treatment and has developed several novel designs and applications of this technology. He is also an experienced Expert Witness for matters in the Planning and Environment Court. Chris is highly involved in research and is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of South Australia and the University of the Sunshine Coast.


Dr Terry Lucke

Senior Civil/Environmental Engineer

PhD, FIEAust, CPEng, EngExec, NER, APEC Engineer, IntPE(Aus) RPEQ, CEE.

Dr Terry Lucke is a Senior Civil Engineer, specialising in drainage, water treatment, and hydraulic engineering. He brings over 20 years of experience in the civil construction and building industry to the team. Terry was the A/Prof in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia, from 2010-2020. At USC, he led a team of researchers in the Stormwater Research Group and worked on a diverse range of industry research projects. Terry is a world-expert in the design and use of floating wetlands, having worked on projects across the world. He is an Adjunct A/Prof at Charles Sturt University and the University of South Australia and is a Chartered Professional Engineer, a Fellow of Engineers Australia and a RPEQ.


Jade Mohr

Senior Water Resource Engineer

BEng, DipAppSC

Jade is a Senior Water Resource Engineer at Covey Associates with over 14 years of professional experience. Hespecialises in stormwater management, specifically hydraulic and hydrological modelling. Jade has a high level of expertise in the following software packages: XP-SWMM, XP-RAFTS, HEC-RAS, MapInfo, QGIS, TUFLOW, and WBNM. Hehas carried out large-scale, regional flood modelling assessments across Queensland and is experienced in delivering effective solutions, ensuring that development feasibility is never compromised.


Allister Gaffney

Senior Water Resource Engineer

Allister has 10 years of experience in the water resource & civil engineering industries as a civil engineer. He has extensive experience in delivery of water & sewer master plans, stormwater network modelling projects, residential, industrial and commercial developments from design and documentation through to project management and construction. Allister has great attention detail and is client focused in achieving the outcomes of his projects.

Industry Bodies / Linkages / Memberships

Parklakes 2

Pelican Waters

SafeChase Greyhound Lure

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